joyful person with upraised arms looking at the sun and sky across a meadow

Make 2025 your best year!

December 18, 20243 min read
by Brian Kuenning (Special K)

2025: The first time New Year’s Resolutions are actually fun! Or at least they could be. Instead of forcing yourself through willpower to make those New Year’s Resolutions happen, consider a happier, gentler approach – one that uses all the features of your consciousness, not just willpower and action, leaving you drained and burnt out at the end of it. This year, you can have a newer, more inspiring version of self-improvement.

What if you activated your imagination, your creativity, your emotions, your inspirations, your gentle intentions, and whatever else you can think of to achieve your resolutions for this year in a fun, exciting, yet challenging enough way to be a more balanced and activated human being?!?!  

Sometimes I call this: objectify, then subjectify. This means you’ll set out your objective goals and come up with a solid, logical action plan to achieve them. But here’s the kicker. Don’t stop there. Now imagine how fun it can feel to make progress as you go. Visualize how amazing your life will be as you get closer and closer, feeling better and better as you go. Use gentle intention to propel yourself forward without being hard on yourself or beating yourself up.  

Start believing in yourself more and embracing the identity of someone who can have a great time doing all of these amazing new things to complete these challenges. Start allowing yourself to view each step of the process as a fun and engaging challenge. Leave behind the language that each step is a “problem.” Can you think of some fun and exciting ways to do each step instead? 

Also, what’s humorous about this process? How can you allow each step to be fun and funny? Laugh while you work. Can you take time to appreciate each step you complete and to reflect on how much better you’ve become since the last time you worked on your goals? Celebrate your milestones. How many different ways can you find to enjoy the process?!?!? Self-improvement and life design can be fun and rewarding!!!!  

In this way, you are using your whole being to achieve your goals, activating each part of your brain and syncing up both sides of your brain as you move forward. By the way, the CIA did a lot of testing on a manifestation process called “The Gateway Process.” They emphasized using binaural beats to synchronize both hemispheres of your brain before using visualization and feeling, etc. to facilitate manifesting goals and dreams. They found that it was more successful to combine the Gateway Process with the audio experience of binaural beats. You can also begin with alternate nostril breathing to create neuro-cohesion, so the left and right brain fire together.

Note that when you do this, you are organizing all of your internal contents, all facets of your awareness, all of your energies in one direction to help you achieve your goals. Oftentimes, that is the barrier to achieving our goals: if your thoughts are going east, your emotions are going west, your imagination is going south, and your intentions are going north, guess what!!!! You’re going nowhere!!!!!! Scientists have found that we are only using about 10% of our brains in our daily lives. We’ve got to bump those numbers up! Those are rookie numbers!!!

Final takeaway: self-improvement and life design can be fun, easy, and rewarding at your own pace. Just make sure to use all of yourself to really fall in love with the process. Learn how to have more fun with self-improvement and life design in our positive online community we have created for just that!

More on this later…..Brian (nickname: Special K)

Brian is cofounder of A Life Designed, digital nomad, content creator, and expert pool player. He's been studying meditation and philosophy for 20+ years and is passionate about The Sedona Method, manifestation tools, and energy work.

Brian Kuenning (Special K)

Brian is cofounder of A Life Designed, digital nomad, content creator, and expert pool player. He's been studying meditation and philosophy for 20+ years and is passionate about The Sedona Method, manifestation tools, and energy work.

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