Theism & Atheism: A Synthesis

Theism & Atheism: A Synthesis

Theism & Atheism: A SynthesisBrian Kuenning (Special K)

There is a story in one of the Eastern spiritual traditions in which a student asks a monk, "How does a seed grow into a plant?" The monk says

Make 2025 your best year!

Make 2025 your best year!

Make 2025 your best year!Brian Kuenning (Special K)

Instead of forcing yourself through willpower to make your New Year’s Resolutions happen, imagine taking a happier, gentler approach using your whole being.

The Church of Pool: A poem by Brian Kuenning (Special K)

The Church of Pool: A poem by Brian Kuenning (Special K)

The Church of Pool: A poem by Brian Kuenning (Special K)Brian Kuenning (Special K)

An original poem by Brian Kuenning (Special K). Enjoy the vivid imagery as he takes you along to experience the sights & sounds of a pool hall.

Navigating Change

Navigating Change

Navigating ChangeBrian Kuenning (Special K)

See Change as an investor and consider how much it makes sense to invest your time, energy, emotions, beliefs, and, yes, money.