The Power of Choice: Dealing with Difficulties
How do you get what you want in your life when difficulties seem to be standing in your way?
Sometimes those difficulties can be solved by a shift in your perception. When you shift your perception, you're exercising the Power of Choice.
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. – Anais Nin |
Sometimes those difficulties are out of your control to solve, and the only control you have is how you respond to the circumstances. When you decide how you'll respond, you're also exercising the Power of Choice.
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. – Maya Angelou |
This program is designed to help you remember that when difficulties become roadblocks and make you feel stuck and powerless, that's when you can tap into a real power that resides within you... the power of choice.
And just maybe, by remembering your power to choose, you'll also begin to see possible solutions where you once saw no way forward.
Choices are the hinges of destiny. – Pythagoras |
Here's what's covered in three parts...
Part 1: The Power to Choose - A discussion of several concepts related to the power to choose, including:
Choice and your state of being
Choice and higher consciousness
Choice and your perception
Part 2: The Power of the Saboteur - A brief look at the Jungian archetype that resides within us all, the Saboteur, including:
What this inborn pattern that's contained within our psyche can show us about ourselves
An example of how the Saboteur can show up (consciously and subconsciously) when things are going well in realizing a dream or reaching a goal
How to see the gift of the Saboteur and its relationship to your power of choice
Part 3: The Power to Shift - An introduction to The SHIFT, a simple exercise that can help you defeat the Saboteur and tap into your power to choose, including:
A short discussion about reframing and self talk
An explanation for what each letter stands for in the SHIFT acronym
A walkthrough of how to use the SHIFT (with example)
Program includes 4 sections with 3 videosTotal Video Runtime: 20:17 |
Angela has worked with professionals in career transition for 30+ years, including nearly 15 years spent as a recruiter. In addition to providing resume writing and career advising services through her company, she's written 3 books and produced hundreds of articles, podcasts, and programs about career, job search, and personal development. She's also an instructor for the Center for Professional Education at The University of Texas, a co-founder of, and a co-founder and co-organizer of the Career Development Network. Find more info about Angela's professional services at
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